Would you like more fun & joy in your life?

Our mission is to uplift, inspire, empower, educate & entertain through creative play, music, rhythm & joyful expression!

Professional Arts-Health facilitators, musicians, theatre-makers, therapists and educators, we have the perfect combination of expertise to deliver high quality interactive experiences that promote positive health and wellbeing and support the creative flourishing of individuals.

Offering bespoke programs, uplifting workshops and engaging performances, our unique multi-artform approach helps strengthen and empower communities across a wide range of sectors, including:

Own Your Beat Multi-Arts Wellbeing Interventions

In 2024, The Joy Dispensary began an exciting project – supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, researching, developing and delivering new Multi-Arts workshops, specifically designed to promote positive mental health and wellbeing and foster inclusion across four communities: Aged Care, Youth At-Risk, Disability and Mental Health sectors.

Integrating musical, rhythmic, movement and play-based art-forms, these Own Your Beat programs are currently being trialled with community participants and we are gathering data to evaluate their wellbeing outcomes. It will culminate in bespoke content that will be delivered in situ, and ultimately, transformed into online Creative Wellbeing video packages. We are also further developing our program to train Arts-Health facilitators/educators to implement high quality, creative-intervention approaches into their work.

Here’s some of our awesome community artists exploring and sharing their superpowers!

“Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold”

– Joseph Chilton Pearce

“Love The Joy Dispensary - Wonderful organisation of experienced and multi-talented individuals enhancing lives and building communities through musical creativity and participation. The world needs more of this”.

– Dr Mary Broughton (Director of Research & Senior Lecturer in Music Psychology, University of Queensland)

We’re also the creators of an addictive music theory card game – Oom-Pah!

Our intention is to revolutionise music education and empower people to be more confident musicians all around the globe with our super addictive music brain training card game!

“Oom-Pah! is genius! There is so much to it! Scales, chords, intervals, etc… Practically it’s a text book in a card game! It is an easy and fun way of learning music! Highly recommended!”

– Marianna Joo (Musician/game lover)