For music nerds and legends...or those who wanna be!

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Oom-Pah! = Oodles of Offbeat Music Play & Awesome Hints!

The Joy Dispensary is the proud creator of Oom-Pah! The addictive, fast-paced, brain-frying music theory card game (that makes you really really smart!) – now being played in over 30 countries!

  • Have fun & sharpen your mind

  • Quickly build a variety of musical scales, chords, intervals & progressions

  • For musicians, students, educators, & anyone who loves to play games!

Over 1700 game options to choose from!


  • Instills confidence in music knowledge & skills

  • Encourages people to continue their pursuit of music learning

  • Helps musicians apply music theory to their instruments

  • Inspires new approaches to songwriting & improvisation

  • Optimises brain functioning capacity

  • Improves literacy & numeracy skills

  • Enhances conceptual, cognitive, & social development in young children

  • Ensures learning music theory is fun!

How to play

  • Players build different musical sequences in ascending and descending orders

  • Points are earned for each card placed in the shared Compose Stacks

  • There are no turns – everyone plays simultaneously

  • The first player to empty their Score Stack and shout out Oom-Pah!” wins the round and bonus points

  • Opponents lose points for unused cards in their Score Stack

  • The overall winner is the first player to reach 88 points

Know nothing about music theory?

Don’t fret! Our unique colour-coded learning tools hold the key to unlocking your musical potential

Oom-Pah! It’s as easy as ABC, as simple as Do Re Mi, that’s how easy this game can be!

Scaffolded in a way that’s accessible to complete beginners, you can start with the most basic concepts and still compete with more experienced musicians at a level playing field!

Know a little but want to "augment” your knowledge?

Play the same game on repeat until you master it or systematically progress until you’re a maestro!

Break repetitive songwriting habits by selecting keys, scales and progressions at random, and easily transpose songs from any key with the revolutionary learning tools provided.

Challenge your fellow music nerds by combining different game cards to add complexity!

Know everything about music theory?… But how well can you perform under pressure?
